DBQ Writing Tips

Connection to Thesis
J Come back to your thesis at the end of each body paragraph. Your main objective is to prove to the reader that your thesis is true. Try to be convincing by explaining how the info from each body paragraph (Docs & Outside Info) proves or supports your thesis. The thesis should not be just in the intro & conclusion.
J Start your essay with some background. Describe who, what, when where, why, etc. This should be two to four sentences long. Don’t just come out with the thesis without explaining the context.
J Your thesis needs to be an opinion that can be argued against. ( ______ is bad, unjustified, right, could have been avoided, the worst, etc.
J Consider writing a separate sentence for each support point to bulk up intro.
JSupport points should be listed in the intro in the same order they come in paper
Use of Documents
J Do not quote the documents directly. Paraphrase any information
J Be sure to cite your documents at the end of the sentence and with correct grammar (Doc D).
J Explain what the doc is as if the reader does not have a copy of the documents. So instead of saying, “In Doc D…” say, “In a poll given to Americans in 1972…” Utilize the “source” info found with each doc in the lead-in sentence
J Analyze each document (explain how it proves thesis) with a follow up lead-out sentence. ie. This document brings to our attention…or This validates the thesis by… or Taking this into account… or This example shows…
J Only refer to a single document once and only for a sentence or two
General Suggestions
J Do not pose questions. Instead just provide your answers to the questions
J Do not line your points up with “the first, another, final reason” or “First, Second, Lastly” or “First, then, next, finally” approach. Just cut out filler phrases
J There is no need to state “I think…” or “I believe…” Your name is on the paper and unless you clarify that you are explaining what someone else was thinking, it is implied
J You simply must use spell check. Proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization are always expected. Develop the habit of doing this easy task now.
J The topic of the paragraph should be in the topic sentence
J Write as is the reader does not know anything about the topic
Outside Info
J Outside Info can be anything that is not the in the Docs including info from a lesson or research, or details from the background essay.
J Prior knowledge is not outside info. If you know something, it is yours, and does not need to be cited. Outside info is something you found in your preparation
J Use outside information to balance out with the documents, do not mindlessly regurgitate the docs. It should be a 50/50 split.
J Be sure to cite your Outside Info at the end of the sentence and with correct grammar (OI).