Scoring Rubric

Model Essay 10
Distinguished 9-8
Average 7
Below Average 6-0
Sophisticated thesis that takes a clear position and provides appropriate support points. Background in place
Clear, well developed thesis that takes a position and provides support points. Background in place
Missing or contains weak thesis. Missing or lacking support points. Background is lacking
Lacks a thesis, or thesis may be underdeveloped. Support points are lacking. No background
Connects info to Thesis
Analysis of the thesis is solid, student explains how info proves or supports thesis. Consistently comes back to thesis at end of each body paragraph
Provides effective analysis of the thesis, makes some connections between info and thesis. Thesis revisited at end of all body paragraphs
Limited explanation of how the documents or outside info prove the thesis, just repeating info from docs. Failed to return to thesis at end of body paragraphs
Little to no analysis of documents and outside information. Repeating docs with no connection to thesis. Thesis is only in the intro and conclusion
Use of Documents
Shows a sophisticated understanding of the documents. Author fully explains what Docs with lead-in and lead-out statements complimenting info
Shows a good understanding of the documents. Author partially explains what Docs are specifically and effectively uses lead-in and lead-out statements to support info from docs
Shows some misunderstanding of document(s). Often times just repeating what is in the Doc without fully using lead-ins and lead-out statements to explain info
Poor use of documents with only briefly regurgitating information. Limited or fails to really use any lead-in or lead-out sentences so info from docs seems random
Grammar, capitalization and spelling are exemplary, no mistakes.
May contain insignificant errors in grammar, spelling and capitalization. 
Contains minor errors that do not detract from overall essay. Did not use spell check
Contains many errors, distracts from content of essay, failed to use spell check
Outside Information
Outside information shows an accurate understanding of the topic. Outside info is relevant to thesis. Strong evidence of research. Outside info is clearly cited in the essay (OI).
Supports thesis with relevant information. Outside information is balanced with use of documents. Student clearly researched topic. Outside info is correctly cited
Supports thesis with some info, but still depending heavily on the documents. Little to no evidence of outside research. Limited or incorrect citations of outside info
Lacks supporting information, or information given is minimal; Contains little to no outside information. Essay is simply repeating info from docs without outside material

(   ) Started with background info before thesis                              [   ] Needs to establish historical background or setting
[   ] Thesis clearly developed and well organized                            (   ) Thesis does not address question or is not developed
(   ) Support points are clear and detailed                                    (   ) Support Points are absent or missing one         
Body Paragraphs:
[   ] Sophisticated use of substantial # of documents                         [   ] Ineffective use of docs, potential of just regurgitating info
[   ] Substantial outside info is used to balance with Docs                    [   ] Needs more outside info to balance with Docs, at least 50/50
[   ] Solid effort to explain how info proves thesis (analysis)                  [   ] Content is mostly descriptive—lacking connection to thesis
(    ) Cited Documents correctly (Doc H). Outside Info (IO).               (   ) Failed to cite documents correctly. (Doc M) or .(OI)
Teacher Feedback and Comments                                          (    ) Did not use spell check or check spelling before submitting