The conclusion, much like the intro paragraph, is really just a formula that consist of three requirement. In fact, the expectations for the intro and conclusion are so similar that I have often referred to five paragraph essays as a monster cheeseburger with the two buns being the intro and conclusion. It is important to have a strong conclusion as this is the last message to the reader. The three essentials for a conclusion are the repeating of the thesis statement, revisiting each of the support points, and an explanation as to why the reader should care. These three points will be detailed below along with a student writing sample. Please contact your teacher if you would like to go through this process step by step.
The main objective of the writer is to prove to the reader that his or her opinion/thesis is true. As mentioned on other pages, it is necessary to come back to that statement throughout the essay, especially at the end of the essay. This statement does not have to be word for word with the thesis statement in the intro paragraph, but it should be clearly stated.
The conclusion paragraph should summarize the main points of the essay, which are the three support points. It is advised to devote at least one sentence to each of those points in the conclusion. Consider more if the paragraph is short or a specific point really needs to be nailed down.
The final component is the one that is commonly overlooked. It is necessary to explain to the reader who he or she should care about what they just read. This could be a call to action or a thought to ponder. I have explained this closing sentence or two as the writer's response if the reader finishes your essay, looks at you, and says, "So What?". The "So What?" often times makes a connection to today or current events. This sentence could start with: The significance is...This lesson is important because...Even today the world is...etc.
So, if I am wrapping up an essay with the thesis that it is important for students to improve on their writings skills, I would end it with one or more of the following sentences:
- Writing does not have to be a weakness any longer, it can be turned into a strength with the right amount of effort and focus.
- As a young student, it would be a great benefit to focus on improving on these skills at this stage of your educational career as opposed to putting it off for later when teachers will assume you have mastered the skills of writing.
- It is infinitely better to go through the trial error process of improving on your writing now while we are squabbling over letter grades and percentage points, as opposed to making needless errors on college entrance exams or job applications.
Student Writing Sample
Below is a model conclusion written for a DBQ essay on the Dust Bowl in America during the Great Depression. The three essentials for a conclusion are the repeating of the thesis statement, revisiting each of the support points, and an explanation as to why the reader should care. Each of these portions will be in the color font that corresponds with the three components to help with their identification.
The Dust Bowl was the result of humans and their mass farming techniques, new farming machinery, and their ignorance of warning signs. Humans allowed the desire for money to rule their decisions, therefore destroying the land around them and creating dust storms. Dust storms still occur in current times and still have dangerous effects on people. People must limit how much farming they do, because it can destroy the land and cause dust storms as massive as those during the Dust Bowl to occur again. Americans cannot allow their ignorance to consume them like they did during the Dust Bowl and must learn from past mistakes. If not limitations are placed on farming, America could face another Dust Bowl in the near future.