Portfolio Directions

     Every student is Mr. Durnell's history class will create a writing portfolio. This will consist of number of required components. All freshmen and juniors at Lindbergh High will be writing a DBQ essay each quarter of the school year. The portfolio is designed to help with that process and keep track of the positive writing practices and mistakes from previous essays. This process will also allow students to set goals and track their growth throughout the school year. 

     Every student will be given a folder with pockets and a three hole binder in the middle to serve as a writing portfolio. This will come with a set of directions detailing how to organize the portfolio. Every DBQ essay and reflection that is turned in, must be submitted inside the writing portfolio. A number of writing materials will be kept in the folder as well. 

     The specific directions are copied below. The folder and handouts will be provided to the students, but it is up to them to assemble the History Writing Portfolio according to the directions. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

History Writing Portfolio Directions
Please follow these multi-step directions to prepare your History Writing Portfolio for use. This portfolio will be used each time you write a DBQ five paragraph essay, which will be once a quarter. A grade will be assigned based on your ability to follow the steps below.

1.     Put your first and last name in a central position on the front cover
2.     Place the following docs in the right pocket of the folder: Finding Success Working with Others, Test Taking Tips, and After School Instruction
3.     Write the following website address on the front of the left pocket inside the portfolio: www.dbqwritingsolutions.blogspot.com
4.     Write “History Writing Portfolio” under your name on the front cover of the portfolio
5.     Place the following documents in the left pocket of the folder: Essay Writing Guidelines, DBQ Outlining, and the DBQ Scoring Rubric
6.     Add your class subject and hour on the front cover under the “History Writing Portfolio”
7.     Record Mr. Durnell’s email address under the website on the front of the left pocket inside the portfolio: bdurnell@lindberghschools.ws
8.     Put the four copies of the “Reflection Process Steps” in the three ring located on the middle binding of the folder
9.     Take five minutes and brainstorm 2-3 writing goals for the school year. Use the space below to brainstorm ideas. These cannot be vague like, “I want to improve on my writing”. Instead, select specific aspects or parts of your writing that you want to improve on.
10.Record your 2-3 writing goals on the front of the right pocket inside the History Writing Portfolio