Tuesday, May 24, 2016

     For many students the writing process has become intimidating or something they are "just not good at". The reality is that any weakness can be addressed and eventually turned into a strength if students are willing to challenge themselves. Writing an effective five paragraph essay correctly will take longer initially, but the process will become quicker with practice. This growth will take some time, communication, reflection, and patience. We have plenty of time and resources, what is needed is your commitment.  

     This blog was designed to successfully guide students through the Document Based Question (DBQ) writing process. A DBQ is basically a five paragraph essay that comes along with a number of short primary source documents students can utilize in writing the essay. The information on this blog can give students and parents the materials and suggestions needed to complete this work outside of the classroom. The blog features step by step directions, student writing samples, writing suggestions, scoring guidelines, online resources, and detailed specifics on each step of the process. 

     In addition, a series of tutorials have been made which are essentially what would be said if a student or parent came to ask for help on any part of the process in person. So, the classroom and more have been brought to your devise. Please let me know if I can help out in any other way. I am available for tutoring sessions upon request where we can go through the entire process together step by step. Take the initiative and let me help you. 

p.s. I hope you enjoy the cloud pictures. They are a lot cooler than pics of DBQ essays.